With the pace of rapidly growing technology, the world is becoming a smaller place, as people from all over the globe are now connected through new means of communication. New media such as blogs and wikis are creating a sense of community on the internet as information passes freely from one user to the next. The creation of wikis has also had a major impact in the corporate world as well, which was summed up in Ezra Goodnoe’s article “How to use Wikis for Business.” According to the article, wikis allow for a cheap and easy way to share professional business content among team members. Not only this but another major advantage is the fact that it allows users to create their own structure rather than having one imposed on them from outside developers.
I believe wikis may also provide a great educational tool for students as well. If professors posted class lectures and homework onto a wiki, students would have no problem obtaining missed notes or going back and reviewing something that they did not understand. A wiki would also create a community among classrooms, allow students to quickly correct problems and mishaps, and let individuals ask for help from their peers.
To bring this discussion to a close, an essential thing to remember is that when it comes to new technologies such as blogs and wikis, it is important to understand that just because something can be shared on the internet, does not necessarily mean it should be shared.